Keep Playing

Keep Playing

Happy Wednesday!
This past weekend, my daughters had some time with my in-laws, my husband was gone for most of the afternoon and I actually had a solid seven hours to myself....and it was pretty glorious. Of course I love my family to pieces and I am so grateful to have them, but having this time to myself was needed. I know all of you moms out there know exactly what I mean!!!
When I got home from dropping them off, I dove right into playing in my kitchen with DIY skincare products and it was so therapeutic. I took out my recipe books, oils, and all of my tools and just played....and it was so much FUN! Watching some of the flowers and herbs, which some came from my own garden, turn into something that could be used, was magical.
I should preface this by saying that my current product line is physically produced by an incredible woman I collaborate with locally, so I don’t actually “make” the products myself. I, of course, play a huge role in the creative end of things and what I want my clients to have so they can get the best results.
I actually struggled with admitting or explaining this, when I first launched my line- like I was doing something that was dishonest. Then it dawned on me that most skincare lines are produced by a third party!! They hire the best to produce the best- and that is what I have done. So, for me to be on the production side of things was different and so rewarding.
Recently, my nine year old asked me, “Mommy, when do you “stop playing?” I asked her to elaborate and she said, “It seems like when you grow up, you forget how to play.” This gave me pause and made me a bit sad, but she is right- and when does it happen? It wasn’t a question I could answer, but it is something that has stuck with me.
While I was dancing around in my kitchen playing with oils and herbs, it felt like playing, and I encourage you to find something that gives you that feeling again. It is so important for your soul.
RFE Updates
The biggest changes you will see this fall with RFE is a new and improved website- woohoo!! I have tons of ideas and I am really looking forward to seeing them all come to fruition, but I would love to have your input on what you think it needs.
What are some of your favorite skincare websites and why do you love them? What changes would be helpful for you to navigate my website more easily? Are you able to find what you need or get direction on what products would be best for your skin? Any feedback on this would be greatly appreciated! I will be sure to let you know when this is up and running.
Today’s quote is something I have seen before and I absolutely love.

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.”
- George Bernard Shaw

Keep playing.
As always, thank you for reading.
With so much gratitude,