How Much Is Too Much?
Happy Wednesday!
Spring is in full swing here in Maryland. The cherry blossoms are blooming and my seedlings are well on their way to being ready to be planted in the garden. I absolutely love this time of year. There is such an abundance of growth, change and beauty happening all around us. For me, it is much needed after a long, hard winter. It makes me appreciate this incredible earth, and all that it has to offer, so much more.
Today’s entry is something that I have felt pretty passionate about throughout my skincare career and is a debated topic among my peers. When it comes to skincare and products, too much can just be too much. It is a prime example of more is definitely not better.
If you’re someone that grew up in the 80s and 90s like myself, you are probably familiar with good ol’ Clinique three step regimen- the bar cleanser, the purple toner and that bright yellow cream in a jar. Although I may not love the ingredients that are contained in those products now, I love the simplicity of it. No frills- just cleanse, tone and moisturize.
Over the past 10-15 years, the idea of a “simple routine” has changed dramatically. We now have companies marketing six or seven or even ten products to use throughout one day on your skin. I stand firm in what I have learned and seen myself on the hundreds of beautiful faces I have treated that you are truly doing your skin a disservice by bombarding it and interrupting its natural process with so many products.
Our bodies, including our skin, are incredibly smart. If left to do what it needs to do, along with just a few healthy choices and some encouragement and nourishment, our skin can balance and repair itself, all on its own. Introducing too many products regularly or even worse- highly aggressive ingredients or treatments, can actually cause more harm, than good.
The natural barrier that we all have can easily be damaged or compromised if we constantly strip it or break it down. It is meant to protect and if it cannot do it’s job properly, you are left with sensitive (which is actually sensitized) skin. This skin is reactive, irritated and out of balance. It also can become a vicious cycle because often times people will keep trying new and more products and not allow their skin to recover and heal, which is exactly when it needs.
If these reasons alone aren’t enough to pair down your routine, then perhaps thinking about it from a eco-friendly perspective will do it. In lieu of Earth Day this week, it’s a topic I cannot stress enough. The more you buy as a consumer, the more companies will keep over producing and in the end, our beautiful plants and trees will be depleted and tons of waste, bottles and containers end up in our landfills.
According to “Zero Waste Week,” more than 120 billion units of packaging are produced globally every year by the cosmetics industry, contributing to the loss of 18 million acres of forest annually. These numbers are astounding. With many companies looking into more eco-friendly and zero-waste ways to produce and manufacture, I hope we will see these numbers go down, but it’s the sheer volume of products that we think we “need” to buy and use that is the root of the problem.
One way you can minimize your product collection is to find ones that have multiple uses. Gratitude Oil is a perfect example. It can be used as a body and face oil, a hair serum and is fabulous at removing eye makeup. Revive Cleanser is another one that can has multiple uses. It can be used as a daily cleanser, an exfoliant and a mask. Joy Lip and Beauty Balm is also one that can be used for all sort of things- dry lips, rough elbows, chapped cheeks or soothing the delicate area around your nose when you’re dealing with allergies or a cold.
No matter what your reason is for making these changes in your routine, a minimalist skincare collection is the way to go. You will do your skin a favor and the planet, an even bigger one.
“The Earth will not continue to offer its harvest, except with faithful stewardship.
We cannot say we love the land and then take steps to destroy it for use by futuregenerations.”
—John Paul II
As always, thank you for reading.
With Gratitude-